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Download Slit 'N Sew Quilt Designer

To use Slit 'N SewTM Quilt Designer, you will download a web page file to your computer and open it with a browser. To download the Slit 'N SewTM Quilt Designer software or User Manual, click on the appropriate link below. The User Manual may be accessed directly from the software as well.

Please note: Quilt Designer is supported only on Windows 7/8/10 computers and using either the Chrome or Firefox browsers.

Software User Manual Comments
Version 0.1 User Manual - Version 0.1 This is the initial version of Quilt Designer and is being released as a "beta" version. Our objective with this version is to see how users like it and get their feedback. As with any software that is complex, subjecting it to a diverse set of users and operating conditions will likely reveal some latent bugs and situations we did not encountered during development and testing. We welcome your feedback and you can do so from within the software itself or go to Quilt Designer Feedback .

By downloading Quilt Designer, you agree to its
Terms of Use .

To learn how to use the tool, check out our Slit 'N Sew video tutorials .

If you would like to receive our newsletter informing you of updates to the Quilt Designer software as well as information about new and updated products and services, please enter your email address and submit it via the form at the bottom of this page.

Download Instructions and Clarifications

A file by the name of "Quilt Designer Vx.y.html" will be downloaded to your computer where x.y is the version number. Depending on your browser settings, the file may be automatically downloaded or you may be prompted to either open the file or save it. If prompted, select the option to save it.

Where the file is downloaded is completely under your control and configured in your browser. Typically, downloaded files are placed in the C:\Users\username\Downloads folder where username is your username. You can see where files are downloaded by inspecting your browser's settings by following the directions below. Once you locate the downloaded file, you may copy or move it anywhere on your computer that you like. You might want to create a folder for storing Quilt Designer as well as the design files that you create with it.

To open Quilt Designer in your browser, press the control key and while holding it down enter O (ctrl + O). This will display the File Open window where you can navigate to where you stored the Quilt Designer file. Select the Quilt Designer program file ("Quilt Designer Vx.y.html" where x.y is the version number) and click "Open". Once Quilt Designer is opened, you may want to add it as a browser favorite to simplify opening it in the future.

Steps for determining where files are downloaded to your computer:

  1. Click on the menu button toward the upper right of the browser window.
  2. Click on Settings, then click on Advanced (which appears at the bottom of the settings page).
  3. Scroll to the downloads section and you'll see the download folder name displayed.

  1. Click on the menu button toward the upper right of the browser window.
  2. Click on Options.
  3. Scroll to the downloads section and you'll see the download folder name displayed. You will need to click on the Browse button to see the full path name of the folder.

We hope that you enjoy using Slit 'N Sew Quilt Designer and find it helpful! Happy quilt designing!

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Web site last updated December 6, 2024

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